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Winlator Windows Emulator

A computer has an operating system. Operating systems help run programs on a computer. Some examples of operating systems are Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, Android and ChromeOS.

People often want to run programs meant for one operating system on another operating system. For example, someone using a Mac may want to run a Windows program on their Mac. This is where emulators come in.

An emulator is a program that lets you run programs meant for one operating system on a different operating system. For example, a Windows emulator for Mac would let you run Windows programs on a Mac.

One popular emulator is Winlator. Winlator is a Windows emulator for Linux and Mac. It lets you run Windows programs on Linux or Mac OS.

What does Winlator do?

Winlator creates a virtual Windows computer inside your Linux or Mac system. This lets you install and run Windows programs as if you were using a real Windows PC.

Some key features of Winlator:

Runs Windows programs on Linux or Mac seamlessly. Windows programs think they are running on a real Windows system.
Provides an entire Windows environment virtually inside your Linux or Mac. You get Windows desktop, start menu, system tray, etc.
Can install any version of Windows – XP, 7, 8, 10 etc. Choose 32 bit or 64 bit Windows.
Good performance – Runs Windows programs nearly as fast as native. Games and graphic intensive programs also work well.
Easy to install and use. No need to configure settings for most programs.
Integrates with host OS – Windows programs appear in Linux/Mac app launcher, file manager etc. Clipboard is shared between host and guest OS.
Snapshot feature – Save state of Windows machine at any time and restore back to it later. Useful if something goes wrong while installing programs.
Works on old and low spec Linux/Mac systems also. Only requires latest virtualization extensions in CPU.
So in summary, Winlator provides a lightweight Windows environment on Linux and Mac. You get Windows without having to reboot your machine or install Windows.

How does Winlator work?

Winlator uses virtualization technology to create virtual machines. Virtualization lets you run multiple operating systems together on the same physical hardware.

The virtual machine is like a computer created virtually in software. It has virtual hardware like CPU, memory, hard disks, network card etc. The virtual hardware works just like real physical hardware. But it is powered by the actual physical hardware through virtualization.

Winlator creates a virtual machine with Windows as guest OS. It then installs Windows in this VM. The Linux/Mac host and Windows guest can both run at the same time. Programs in both OS interact with their own virtual or real hardware respectively.

For example, say you run Microsoft Word inside Windows VM. Word thinks it is running on a real Windows computer. It interacts with the virtual hardware provided by the VM – virtual CPU, RAM, graphics card and so on. On the host Linux/Mac side, Winlator handles translation between the virtual and real hardware.

So from the guest Windows perspective, it is just like running on an actual PC. But the resources come from the host Linux/Mac hardware through virtualization. This makes the Windows environment fast and seamless.

The same thing happens in reverse when Windows needs to interact with the display, network, clipboard, etc of the host OS. Winlator handles translating these between the guest and host seamlessly.

This allows Winlator to run Windows programs on Linux/Mac at near native speed. The virtualization hardware extensions in modern CPUs also ensure efficiency.


Winlator is easy to install on Linux or Mac. Here are the steps:

  • Download Winlator installer for your Linux distro or Mac OS version from https://www.winlator.com/download.
  • Double click the installer and follow prompts to install Winlator. May need admin password on Mac.
  • On first run, Winlator will setup virtual machine and install Windows. Choose Windows version when prompted.
  • The whole process takes 10-15 minutes. Windows gets automatically installed inside VM.
  • After install finishes, you get a Windows desktop running inside a window.
  • Winlator will show intro guides on first launch. Follow guides to start using Windows programs.
  • The installer takes care of setting up everything – the VM, virtual hardware, installing Windows inside VM, etc.
  • You just need to choose the Windows version.

By default Winlator installs the free Windows 10 evaluation inside the VM. You can enter your own Windows license if you have one. Else Winlator works fine with the evaluation Windows without activation.

The evaluation version doesn’t expire so you can continue using Winlator for free. Some personalization options may be limited but otherwise it is a fully working Windows 10.

Using Windows programs

Once Winlator is installed, you can start installing and using Windows programs right away. Here are some tips:

  1. Launch Winlator from app menu to open Windows desktop. It will show familiar Windows start menu, taskbar, etc.
  2. You can install programs normally as on any Windows PC. Download the program file, double click to install.
  3. After installing a program, you can launch it from Windows start menu. Or create desktop shortcuts.
  4. For easier launch, enable Winlator integration in preferences. This will add Windows programs to your Linux/Mac app launcher.
  5. Windows programs show up like any other app on your Linux or Mac desktop. Can also pin to taskbar or dock.
  6. Copy-paste works seamlessly between Windows and Linux/Mac. You can also drag and drop files between them.
  7. Winlator provides virtual Windows drives mapped to folders on your real Linux/Mac drives. So you can access
  8. host data easily in Windows programs.
  9. Can play Windows games also. Winlator has special optimizations to make games run faster in the VM.
  10. So in summary, just install and use Windows software as you normally would. Winlator makes everything work seamlessly on your Linux or Mac.

Tips for best performance

Winlator provides great Windows performance thanks to efficient virtualization. But there are some tips to make it even faster:

  1. Close all other demanding apps on your Mac/Linux to free up maximum system resources for Winlator.
  2. If using a laptop, plug it in to power source. This allows Winlator to use maximum CPU/GPU power.
  3. Disable all unnecessary visual effects in the Windows VM like animations.
  4. Add more processors and RAM to the VM from Winlator settings if needed. 2 cores and 4GB RAM is usually good.
  5. For games, use Windows native graphics drivers in VM instead of emulated graphics for better FPS.
  6. Prefer Windows NT kernel for older games. Windows 10 uses hybrid kernel which may affect performance.
  7. Check for Winlator updates as they keep improving optimization and compatibility. Keep guest Windows updated too.
  8. Following these tips will get you best possible performance for Windows apps on Linux/Mac. But in most cases, Winlator works great out of the box also.

Pros and cons

Let’s summarize the key advantages and limitations of using Winlator for running Windows apps on Linux or Mac:


  • Use your favorite Windows programs on Linux/Mac desktop seamlessly
  • No need to reboot system or switch OS to use Windows apps
  • Near native performance in most cases
  • Integrates Windows apps with Linux/Mac desktop
  • Easy to install and use
  • Cost effective – free evaluation Windows works well

Cons :

  • Performance limited compared to real Windows hardware
  • Some very intensive apps like latest games may not work well
  • Can take up more RAM and disk space compared to real Windows install
  • Does not support all advanced or proprietary Windows features
  • Needs modern PC with virtualization support to work properly
  • So Winlator provides a very useful and practical way to use Windows apps on other systems. Performance is
  • good enough for most common apps including older games. Only very resource intensive latest apps may face some limitations.

For typical application usage, Winlator delivers almost the convenience of a dual boot setup without downsides like rebooting. This makes it a very capable Windows emulator for Linux and Mac users.


Winlator is a great solution if you need to use Windows software on a non-Windows system like Linux or Mac. It creates a lightweight virtual Windows machine that integrates seamlessly with the host desktop.

Inside the VM, you get a fully functional Windows environment. You can install and run Windows programs just like on a real PC. Winlator makes the experience fast and seamless thanks to virtualization optimizations.

So if you ever find yourself wishing to use that one Windows app on your Linux or Mac, give Winlator a try. It delivers a practical and cost effective way to run Windows apps without dual booting or buying new hardware.

Just install Winlator, setup Windows VM, install your programs, and you are good to go. Everything integrates nicely with your existing desktop thanks to shared clipboard, file system access, and app launchers.

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